Pioflorovet 20% steril solutions
Composition Each 1 ml Contains 200 mg Florfenicol
- Pio Florovet used to treat a wide range of gram +ve and gram -ve organisms.
- Pio Florovet is the most effective drug in Treatment of Salmonellosis Caused by Salmonella pullorum.
- Pio, Florovet 20% is highly effective in Treatment of Fowl typhoid caused by Salmonella Galinarum.
- Pio Florovet highly effective in chicken and Ducks on Fowl cholera.
- Pio Florovet used to treat Respiratory disease in swins.
- PioFlorovet in large animal used to treat.
- Don’t use in adult bulls or boars instended for breeding purposes.
- Don’t used in animal ready to slaughter (before slaughter by 25 days).
- Not recommended for pregnant and lactating animals.
- Route: Intramuscular injection (the injection should be given in the neck).
- Cattle (except the milking cow): 1 ml of solution per 10 kg B.W, twice 48 hours apart.
Glass vial contains 100, 250 and 500 ml.